Saturday, October 20, 2007

Devil Kings (PS2)

In the game for you one must become one of 6- TI of soldiers, in the battles who conquer new territories, in order to obtain total supremacy above the peace. Head army, rush first into explosive deystvo of battles, use a "regime of fury" in order to overcome enemies and you will become the most powerful person of the play universe. Glasses of experience, conquered in the battles player will be able to use for an improvement in the qualities of his character, purchase of additional weapon, and so improvements in his impact force. Play characters very of kharizmatichny - to select it is possible from accessible Devil King, Lady Butterfly, Red Minotaur, Scorpio, Venus and Azure Dragon. Game will be interesting to all amateurs of combat games and fentezi, not alien to a certain play blood-thirstiness, indeed where by the an even easier motion of geympada you will be able to toss up enemy into air and in flight to cut him in half!
Platform: PS2
Region: PAL
Format: RAR
Download Full game (PS2):

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